IISc Summer Internship Programme For Graduate & Masters student II Stipend - 5000/- Per month
IISc Summer Internship Programme For Graduate & Masters student II Stipend - 5000/- Per month https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=l80Vb6f240Gyxa1Bk5dkdvQjWBN0f79KvizNn_bwistUNDBZODJDTTUxQjZFOUpDSjcwUUs0OVJLUi4u CeNSE Summer Internship Program Application NOTE: Last day to apply is 28 Feb 2024 Required 1. Applicant Name 2. Applicant Email 3. Applicant Contact Number 4. University / College 5. Present Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 6. Course Registered Bachelors Masters Integrated(Bachelors + Masters) 7. Department 8. Cumulative Grade / Percentage (Normalized to 10) 9. Faculty Name ( From your Institution who will provide you a recommendation letter ) 10. Faculty Email 11. Faculty Contact Number 12. Why do you want to do this internship? (250 words max) 13. Area of interest Please select 2 options. MEMS / NEMS / Microfluidics Electronics Quantum Technologies Nanobio Materials Photonics Computing Platforms Submit